Recent years one "new" sputtering technique has also emerged (see the attached text below), which was proposed by several vacuum companies in the different shapes but same principle. It seems like a diode sputtering except for combinating with an external ion soure.
It is well known that the diode sputtering suffer from the low ionization efficiency which result in high voltage and low deposition rate. So this technique was almost abandoned after the invention of magnetron sputtering several decades ago. although the magnetron sputtering technique have the advantage of higher local ionization, low cathode voltage, and high deposition rate, etc., it subjects to the low target utiliztion "racetrack" originated from the confined plasma (所谓成也萧何,败也萧何, 呵呵). Various efforts mainly by rotating the magnet or target have been adopted to improve the utiliazition, from the typical <30%>90%) target utilization. Of course, one coin has two sides. u should pay the addtional cost for the plasma soures, and it is suitable only when the benefit u gain can offset the added cost.
Anyway, we can get some beneficial inspiration from this example that 1+1>2, and we should rethink the techniques look like outdated. Something is bad in certain condition but it maybe become good under another condition. BTW, i think the configration of PQL is more reasonable than that of 4Wave. Do u think so? -__- .

"4Wave was founded in August 2000 by senior technical and management staff of the former Commonwealth Scientific Corporation (CSC), a leading manufacturer of ion beam sources and equipment acquired by Veeco Instruments in May 2000. The company's founders are the world's leading experts in ion beam deposition processes, and have developed the first-ever ion beam deposition production system, still in use by IBM for its most advanced product offerings. Our multidisciplinary staff bring an average of 15 years of experience in electrical, mechanical, software, process and system engineering. Sami Antrazi, President, has more than 12 years of engineering management and customer development experience. His professional career combines managerial, business development, and technical expertise in the capital equipment industry. Prior to joining 4Wave, he directed the electrical, mechanical, and software engineering departments at CSC. He also conducted advanced robotics research for space applications for three years with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. He holds a Ph.D. (ABD) and an M.S. in electrical engineering from Catholic University in Washington, D.C." 
"Plasma Quest Ltd (PQL) founded by Professor Mike Thwaites in 1998 is a problem solving research-based company whose core business is thin film deposition sputtering research, and systems development. PQL has developed a high-density plasma method of thin film sputtering that provides process and thin film deposition benefits not currently available from conventional systems - the patented technology, “High Density Plasma forming device” is operationally referred to as High Target Utilisation Sputtering (HiTUS)."
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